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Sunday Adventures

The past three Sundays have all been very different. On August 29, I was invited to join in worship at New Hempstead Presbyterian Church in New City, NY. The pastor picked me and two other Young Adult Volunteers (YAVs) up from Stony Point Conference Center. It was a short drive to the church, where we were warmly welcomed by the congregation. I loved the atmosphere inside the sanctuary that demonstrated a sense of community. People shared what was going on in their lives with everyone present there during the announcements. There were love present in that place and each person’s words were appreciated. We sang a number of songs, which were thoughtfully chosen with us YAVs in mind. The congregational response went as follows…

Silently now I wait for Thee, Ready, my God, Thy will to see;

Open my heart, illumine me, Spirit divine!

Many of you probably recognize this hymn entitled, “Open My Eyes That I May See.” It is one of my favorites that will definitely be on my mind as this year unfolds. The hymn reminds me to open my eyes, ears, mouth, and mind to all that is around me and what God has planned. That’s more important now than ever before as I have been awakened to what I let pass by me.

The special music, “Shout to the North,” was sung as a duet. It was beautifully done and I sat there in the pew, mouthing the words. This year I may not be shouting Jesus’ name with my voice, but I’ll be “shouting” it in other ways. Through my actions, I will be showing the love that Jesus offered to so many people.

As the time came for the sermon, us YAVs were encouraged to talk about who we are and why we decided to become involved in the Young Adult Volunteer Program. It was neat to hear the other two YAVs share about their journey along with being able to offer my words to the congregation. The New Hempstead congregation commissioned us into our year of service and added everyone within the program to their prayer list. It meant a lot that these people I had never met were willing to pray for me throughout the year. I may never see them again, yet they will remember us each week during worship. I’m so grateful for the Presbyterian Church (USA) because I wouldn’t be where I am today without it’s loving support. Thank you to New Hempstead for their hospitality that they offered and continued to show us throughout the rest of the day! Check out their website,, and visit them if you’re ever in that area! New Hempstead congregation will be in my prayers as I go on my new journey.

Last week on September 4, my Denver housemates and I (Wolffpack, as I will call them) were camping in San Isabel National Forest. It was a beautiful area with tons of mountain peaks, lakes, and trails to explore. I had my first paddle boarding experience on a lake, surrounded by the enormous mountains.

I’ve always loved being in a church on Sundays because it re-energizes me for the week, helping me to center myself. However, it is a special thing to be out in God’s creation. The wind was quite strong, but I had a few minutes to drift around the lake and look at my surroundings. My Qwest West trip back in May helped me connect with God through nature. I love getting glimpses of the outdoors that have not been created by man. Those quiet moments on the lake gave me a chance to just be.

The night before we ventured down the road to see the stars. It was like I was back in the meadows out at Yosemite. Staring up at those stars makes me realize that there is something much bigger than me. I am a tiny speck in the grand scheme of God’s creation, yet he chose me to be here in this place. It is a powerful thing to stand there thinking about that. My breath was pretty much taken away, which could’ve been from the cold air or the fact that the sky was so miraculous. Either way, I had a weekend filled with many experiences that required me to thank God and in that, I was worshiping Him without being inside a church building.

Today on September 11 I had the opportunity to ride out to Boulder, CO with the Wolffpack (remember those are my housemates in Denver). We went to Boulder Mennonite Church for worship. Cindy, one of our leaders in Denver, came along with us and spoke a little bit about our program. We were able to introduce ourselves to the congregation, who was all very friendly. Kids came forward for the children’s time, along with those that would be teaching them this year at church. The children surrounded the teachers while each holding a vase full of sunflowers. Each child handed a vase of flowers to a teacher. The pastor described how the teachers are going to nurture the children throughout the year, helping them learn. She proceeded to talk about the children who would be budding and growing like the flowers. It was a beautiful simile that I am doing no justice, but I thoroughly enjoyed listening as I felt there was great meaning behind it.

During the Christian Education hour, we went to the adult class and shared about where we came from and why we are in Denver for the year. We also heard from others who are serving the Boulder community in various ways. Being at this church reminded me to be in conversation about social justice, to be aware of my impact wherever I go, and to take action as well. Their website is,, and I encourage you to check them out if you’re ever in the area. The picture below is of the mountains on the way to Boulder.

Each of these Sundays was different, but they are all avenues to my faith. They weren’t my typical days at Opequon or Massanutten and that’s okay. I need to branch out so that I can better understand what I believe and why I believe it. Whether in a new situation or a familiar one, it’s a year of learning that will allow me to become more grounded in my faith. And, who I am as a follower of Jesus. I encourage everyone out there to go visit other churches. I’m not telling you to leave the one you are a part of, but it can be eye opening. More on that later…

Alrighty, enough rambliln’ for one day. Peace out, y’all!

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